Kansas Youth Soccer has a coaching education program designed to meet your player development guidelines and the curriculum laid out by US Soccer. The program is suited for the new volunteer coach just starting out, to those pursuing the highest level in their field.
The objectives of KSYSA’s Coaching Education Program are:
- To develop our coaches’ knowledge and understanding of the game.
- To develop world class coaching education materials and classes.
- To implement the latest and relevant age appropriate training curriculum and ingenuity to promote long term athlete development.
- To foster a culture of coaches whose foundation is built on best practices.
- To inspire coaches of all ages to continue their personal and professional development as educators of the game.
- To solidify a coaching education pathway where coaches can enroll and grow through our system.
We also provide resources for all coaches who want more information for themselves, team, parents and clubs.
Kansas Youth Soccer upholds the highest standards for participant safety by ensuring all adults engaged in KSYSA registered and affiliated programs comply with the most rigorous standards for background checks and abuse training.
We do this not just because it’s the law, but because it’s the right thing to do. Abuse prevention is now an integral part of our roles as youth soccer administrators, coaches, referees, volunteers and parents.
We understand these new requirements will necessitate additional steps for all involved, but our kids are worth the effort. Abuse in youth sports is more prevalent than most of us think – and it can happen in any town. We all need to “go the extra mile” to ensure our kids can enjoy the game in a healthy and non-threatening environment.
Therefore, every adult who may have the opportunity to have direct and un-monitored access to children must complete:
- A comprehensive background check and screening process; and
- Complete fully the SafeSport Certification training module and any refresher module.
To make complying with these new requirements please click below to get more information.
In an effort to further improve the grassroots soccer environment for both players and coaches, U.S. Soccer has restructured the foundation of its coaching license pathway. The new Grassroots Licensing Courses, which replace the F and E License Courses, offer an a-la-carte approach meant to empower coaches with education that is relevant to their specific coaching needs.
The Grassroots Licenses will help coaches ensure fun, enjoyable, and developmentally appropriate environments for their players. Prospective coaches will have the option to partake in any of these new courses – in any sequence – after completing a cost-free, Introduction to Grassroots Coaching Module provided by U.S. Soccer.
Find the full upcoming coaching course schedule by clicking below.
Click below to head directly to the US Soccer Learning Center.
The USC Coaching Course Menu is designed with flexibility in mind for coaches to choose their desired level of entry based on previous experience. Development courses all offer unique material and can be taken in any order. We recommend reading each course description to determine the best fit for you; make sure to pay attention to any potential prerequisites.
USC offers several courses online including their Level 1 to Level 6 courses that can be done at the pace at your choosing. USC also offers several commuter and residential courses for the novice, intermediate and advanced coach, along with specific courses geared towards goalkeepers, directors of coaching and special topics that may be of interest to those coaches who are looking for course offerings that are very specific and detailed in nature.
Click below to review the different options that are available via online or at a physical location.
*Coaches should register for the course(s) that best suits the needs of their players as well as meeting their own educational goals*
If you are a Kansas Youth Soccer Member Club or League and would like to host a coaching education course for your organization please click below to find out more information.
Coaches must be able to provide the license/certificate information to support his/her application. We will not acknowledge or post any information without verification and/or submitted documentation. Click below for more information.
Find a few coaching resources to help our Kansas Youth Soccer Coaches out. Click below to visit the web page.